Books Every Dyslexia Educator Should Own
Hi friends. One of my favorite places to go is into bookstores. Ever since I was little, I have loved walking the aisles of books, the smell of opening a new book, and the ability to write in my books (gasp!). For this reason, I tend to purchase just about every book I can find on my passions, especially literacy and dyslexia.
If you follow me over on
Instagram, you may have seen the collaborative reel that was put together highlighting just a few of our favorite books as dyslexia educators. Plus, I love working with other educators and supporting dyslexia and education! I had many requests to put them into a list, so here you are, plus a few more of my favorites!

This book is a game-changer and one that I recommend every single person in education or a parent of a child with dyslexia read. When I read this thirteen years ago, it blew me away, and the fact there was so much research surrounding the brain and dyslexia available and yet had not reached the education world was shocking. If you want to start learning about dyslexia, this is the book to get.
Conquering Dyslexia by Jan Hanbrouck, Ph.D. is a quick read for both parents and educators that covers dyslexia, instructional approaches, and current information surrounding dyslexia.

Dyslexia & Spelling by Kelli Sandman-Hurley Ed. D. dives into the interplay of reading, spelling and dyslexia, and how we can use spelling errors to aid in our understanding and instruction.
As for me, I ran out of space on my bookshelves long ago, but it hasn't stopped me from adding to my collection!
You can find a more extensive list on my Amazon page under Dyslexia Books for Educators + Parents. *Affiliation
Have a great week!
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